Ministry of Culture
General Directorate

Castello Svevo di Bari – Direzione regionale Musei nazionali Puglia

Direttore Generale Avocante
Prof. Massimo Osanna

Delegato alla direzione
Arch. Francesco Longobardi

Via Pier l’Eremita, 25/B, 70122 Bari
+39 0805285231

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Puglia Regional Museum Directorate

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Puglia Regional Museum Directorate

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Puglia Regional Museum Directorate

Who we are

The Puglia Regional Museum Directorate operates on the regional territory with the aim of enhancing and making the state museums, monuments and archaeological areas accessible.

Regional Directorate

It coordinates and promotes state museums at a regional level by promoting collaboration with other territorial realities to improve the quality of services.


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All the projects and initiatives promoted by the Puglia Regional Museum Directorate


All the services offered by the Puglia Regional Museums Directorate to visitors