Apulian National Museums Directorate
What is its role? What are its functions? How is it organized?
The Apulian National Museums Directorate, a peripheral body of the Ministry of Culture, operates on the regional territory with the aim of enhancing and making the state museums, monuments and archaeological areas accessible. Articulation of the General Directorate of Museums, the Regional Directorate favors continuous dialogue between state and local bodies, between different public and private museums in the area, promoting the establishment of the regional museum system and ensuring an integrated cultural offer of quality. It encourages the active participation of communities by promoting awareness projects and public fundraising campaigns in support of cultural heritage.
Since 2023, Francesco Longobardi has taken on the role of delegate to the Apulian National Museums Directorate for the General Director, Prof. Massimo Osanna.

DRM services
The museum is a permanent non-profit institution serving society, which carries out research, collects, conserves, interprets and exhibits tangible and intangible heritage.
Open to the public, accessible and inclusive, museums promote diversity and sustainability.
They operate and communicate ethically and professionally and with the participation of communities, offering diversified experiences for education, pleasure, reflection and knowledge sharing.
Discover the territory
The Apulian territory is characterized by the extraordinary variety of the landscape that bears the imprint of a history spanning hundreds of millions of years; with an uncommon geographical profile in the peninsular landscape, Puglia takes on different faces and shapes, from the Tavoliere in the north of the region to the Murgia area characterized by the wide karst plateau that unites central Puglia and eastern Basilicata; from the Itria Valley, extended between the centers of Locorotondo, Cisternino and Martinafranca, up to over 865 kilometers of coastline between the Ionian Sea and the Adriatic. <br>From the Capitanata district to the deep south of Salento, the Puglia Regional Museum Directorate, formerly a Museum Pole established following the reform of the then Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism, manages and coordinates the activities of use and enhancement of fifteen places of culture state governments of an extremely diversified nature and with a multiplicity of cultural offerings; these include museums and archaeological parks in Manfredonia and Siponto, Canne della Battaglia, Canosa and Ruvo di Puglia, Gioia del Colle and Altamura up to Egnazia in the Brindisi area; a picture gallery in Bitonto, the amphitheater and the Roman theater in Lecce; finally the castles in Bari, Trani, Copertino (Lecce) and Castel del Monte, declared Unesco Heritage since 1996.

Reference legislation
In 2014, the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism introduced great innovations in the organization of the Italian museum system, defining the mission of museums and new management methods. To find out more, consult the dedicated section on the website of the Directorate General for Museums.